
Answering the Call: What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do


If you are human, then you’ve felt it. That stirring inside and the nagging feeling of being just slightly enough out of place in the world to grab your frenzied attention. Sometimes it arises as the inexplicable need to explore and escape the routine. Or the almost sudden realization that your career, college major, or … Read more

Here are 6 Things “Purpose” is NOT


Six years ago Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” took the internet by storm. And while the talk’s content was and is compelling, its internet virality and resulting 28.3 million viewers was revealing of our society and workplaces: People are yearning more than ever for personal and work lives that have an inspiring purpose. People want … Read more

How to Change the World Overnight: Celebrity Photographer Jeremy Cowart’s Big Idea

Soon you’ll be able to change the world while you sleep. Or at least that’s A-list celebrity photographer Jeremy Cowart’s big idea. The Purpose Hotel is a venture started by the photographer and philanthropist to intimately connect travelers to the world’s deepest needs through art; and transform the travel industry while doing it. His second Kickstarter campaign just launched … Read more