
How Learning to Fly Fish Taught Me to Not Give Up

I’ve been teaching myself to fly fish this summer. And it’s been a complete disaster. I’ve spent the majority of my time either literally in the river (you’re not supposed to wade in raging rapids apparently), picking flies out of the skin on my face or the trees behind me, and faking casting (flinging the line all … Read more

18 Life Lessons from a College Senior that Can Change Your Life

After I told a crowd at a keynote for a large national association that by 2025 over 75% of the workforce would be college-educated, purpose-seeking Millennials, someone jokingly shouted out, “God help us!” Some laughter ensued. But sadly, she was (literally) right. God help us indeed. Just 13% of the world’s population even likes what they … Read more

7 Scientific Reasons Why You Matter

You truly, deeply, and scientifically matter to the world. “Zach, thanks for changing my life,” were the six powerful words that started the e-mail message that taught me this most important life lesson. I was a student worker in college and spent my summers working the university’s orientation programs. I had no idea why until I read that … Read more